Latest Technology Advancements from Experts
Viya’s Business Solutions leaders and experts are at the forefront of the telecommunications industry. Viya and our experts have assisted in developing market, corporate, enterprise and government success over recent years. Post 2017, Viya has invested more than $100m in rebuilding a resilient and fully redundant network. Resulting in 315 Miles of Deep Fiber build to deliver reliable high speed internet services over the most robust network in the U.S. Virgin Islands.
“I want to thank Viya for enabling the Department of Health to set up the COVID hotline very quickly and for us to operate with the persons answering the phone doing it from their homes,” said Reuben Molloy, Assistant Commissioner of the VI Department of Health.
Viya has not only supported customers during the pandemic but through natural disasters as well. Viya has a history of assisting with disaster relief for residents and businesses in the U.S. Virgin Islands through the fully owned and supported Wireless Network, with 40 percent more cell sites than the nearest competitor; undoubtedly, the largest mobile network with coverage across all 50 states, the network is the most reliable wireless offering flexible plans and solutions with more speed and capacity.
Viya’s locally based in-territory Account Management and Engineering teams are trained to international standards and provide stellar services to the wide array of Viya customers. Viya is dedicated to continuously improving solutions by utilizing the latest technology advancements and quickly delivering them to customers.
Since Viya is entirely based in the Virgin Islands with local community employees, we work closely with local communities and with the VI Housing Authority for the Affordable Connectivity program (ACP) to bridge the digital divide by providing housing communities with reliable connectivity.
Senator Marvin Blyden, Chairman of the Committee on Housing, Transportation and Telecommunications of the 34th Legislature said,

“I want to give my kudos to Viya for stepping up to the plate by going to the housing communities every weekend to make sure they are connected. It shows that you are part of the community, and you care.”

One of Viya’s main missions is to help businesses evolve and grow through technology. Viya presents opportunities, such as the inaugural Business Solutions Smart Series: TECH Talk, to supply current and potential customers with up-to-date information regarding the latest technology advancements and how Viya can bring these advancements to their businesses. Decision makers from Small Business, to large Enterprise and Government agencies can take advantage of Viya’s leaders’ and experts’ knowledge to learn more about advancements in technology and ICT business solutions.
About Viya: Viya is the largest telecommunications provider located in the U.S. Virgin Islands (USVI), providing a full suite of telecommunications and entertainment services. Our family of services for both the business and residential markets includes wireline and wireless voice service, fixed and mobile broadband plus cable television service offered over a hybrid fiber-coaxial wireline network and a state-of-the-art 4G LTE wireless network serving St. Croix, St. Thomas, and St. John.